Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Review: Skinny Fox Detox Whey Protein

Skinny Fox Detox is a brand that I saw all over Instagram, so I figured I would check them out. I ended up getting their whey protein shake because I have been looking for one that I actually like, won't make me sick, and one that actually is a good source for healthy needs in my body. Granted, I am not the healthiest person ever, nor do I know a lot about it. However, I do what I can for the basics at least. I also have a cruise coming up that I wanted to try and slim down a bit before since I know that I am going to splurge on the actual trip itself! So, I bought this.

'Whey to Our Heart' is a low calorie non-GMO protein powder, made with whey protein and their signature blend of Super-8 VitaComplex to enhance the shakes nutritional value! It comes in a delicious birthday cake flavor, and there are 14 packets in a box. Plus each box comes with a bright pink Blender Bottle printed with the Skinny Fox Detox label.

My Review

Well, I have had two packets. One was yesterday morning, and I had one this morning. I'm going to have one this evening, and I'll have two tomorrow. As for the birthday cake flavor, this is one of the best tasting protein shakes I have had. Yesterday, I just had it mixed with crushed ice and water. This morning, I mixed it in a caramel coffee. The aftertaste with water was a little weird, but I tend to brush my teeth after eating or drinking anything besides water anyways. It was by no means gross. It was just a different aftertaste than I expected. However, mixed with this caramel coffee, it is phenomenal!

The other thing I really like is that it is SO filling. I drank it yesterday morning at about 6.30 AM, and I really didn't get hungry until around 2 or 3 PM, which is awesome considering I didn't eat anything really. I bought two salads to have today and tomorrow in between my shakes, and I think that will make my day a lot smoother than yesterday.

Please keep in mind, I only eat once, maybe twice a day anyways. I also don't eat a lot of protein unless I am making my crab cakes or seafood based meals. I work out almost regularly at home, doing the WWE Women's Fit DVD because it's simple enough for me to do at home during the hectic life between work and school and the child. I plan on drinking the rest after I get back from my cruise, and I'll provide a completion review then!

I'm hoping to post more often on here. I want to make this a regular, weekly occurrence, however life happens. Who knows? Maybe some future changes will get this ball rolling! Feel free to reach out with any questions or comments! Let me know if you have any favorite health products I should check out in my journey to be healthier!
Live long, and prosper!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Beauty and the Sick

It seems whatever is going around has finally reached me. It had to be this weekend of all weekends to do so. I managed to force myself out of bed this morning, get myself somewhat presentable, and I got to cross something off of my bucket list. I went to a UFC event here in Phoenix today! While I have been to numerous wrestling events, I have not ever gone to see UFC live. It was different in some pretty interesting ways, however it was a ton of fun with the group of people I went with.

You see, I have a hard time being with a group of people because of my own experiences, and I tend to clam up when I am out and about with people. It has nothing to do with judgment, more to do with worth. Will I see these people again, and is it worth my time to make an effort with them? I do not believe in putting so much effort into everyone out there because it is impossible to have everyone out there be your friend. It is impossible to make everyone like you. So, I am picky in most things, including people I spend my time with.

Either way, I had a good time today even though by the end, I really wanted NyQuil and my bed. So, that is where I am headed now. Luckily, I took tomorrow off due to the late night outing, so I can take most of the day to rest and feel better. Although, I do have a phone interview tomorrow, and I start this new semester off. Hopefully, I can manage all of this plus more considering I wanted to start getting ready to do videos.

Another day for that. NyQuil kicking in, Anya tapping out.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

They Know Not What They Do...Or Do They?

It's incredibly selfish to want people to recognize the pain and damage they can cause with words. It is incredibly silly to think that they would care either way. People do what they do for a number of reasons, and sometimes you just need to realize that they do not realize what they are doing or the consequences of such.

I work for Facebook, and I worked hard to get to the position I am in. Using past experience and a thirst for constant education, I moved up within a matter of a few months. I have had this hard work ridiculed and down sighted so much that I hardly paid attention to it at first. I laughed it off, and I ignored everyone involved. I am very closed off and do not like to involve myself with other people. I am not at work to make friends. I am there to work and do my job and help with the Facebook platform. I help other people remain connected while I continuously pull away. Because of this, I am perceived as a wretched bitch. I get work done, and I am one of the best at what I do.

I was shown some chats today that made it clear others were not only belittling me and all I have worked for, but they also threatened me. Their attempts at such are ridiculous and childish, and in all reality, they should mean nothing to me. There are always rumors that I slept my way to getting to where I am, which is ridiculous seeing as I am asexual. I have no interest in such endeavors. They will think what they will, and they will make their claims to know about me when they haven't the slightest idea.

It did hurt, though. Reading these messages which were blatantly made about me by people that I have never even talked to in person. Others that I work directly with regularly taking what I do to help and turning it into criticism on their own person rather than their work ethic. Considering this all happened on a work chat shows how ethical they really are. Why does it bother me, though? Why am I letting the most ridiculous comments get to me when in all reality I could not care less about what they think of me?

I'll tell you. I hate that people go behind others backs to say these things. If you are such a big person, have so much resentment for me, then just say so. Tell me about it, and I will likely acknowledge that you have declared these thoughts against me, move on with my life without care. I am perfectly accepting of the fact that I do not need everyone to like me. I do not need to have thousands of friends or people that know me. I do not need to try to force anyone to like me. If you have a problem, cool. You can have that problem to my face as well as when my back is turned. Maybe then, I would have a little more respect for your opinion.

The other issue is that if you have a problem with someone or talk about them, why do you have to lie about everything? Can't you have an issue with me because of something I actually did or actually said? If you can't get your facts straight, then you just make yourself look like an unreliable idiot. It's amazing how much people think I do or have done. I mean, the fact that this imaginary side of me has time for all of it alongside being a full-time employee and full-time law student is amazingly talented. The things that I have supposedly done even are fascinating considering how little I actually do anything. If only there were things said that had validity, then I could provide myself a valid reason to be upset or annoyed.

I have manic bi-polar disorder. I have severe anxiety disorder. I have been raped numerous times. I am a cry-baby. I am lonely. I hate most people. These are things that I actually deal with. These are the places my mind wanders that actually hold significance to me and how I live.

To the people that run their mouth, have fun. In the end, you really don't get anywhere with saying these things. If your goal was to bother me momentarily, there you have it. That was the extent of my being bothered. I hope you enjoy it.